Snowdrops and Aconites by Diana Calvert NEAC

Snowdrops and Aconites by Diana Calvert NEAC

Summer Flowers by Diana Calvert

Diana Calvert is a painter of landscapes, still life and flowers. She often has more than one painting on the go at any one time, building each up from washes. Composition is extremely important to her, finding patterns, similarities and contrasts in her subjects, as even conventionally beautiful views do not necessarily translate into an interesting picture. In still life and flower paintings she looks for ‘stars’ and supporting casts, trying to avoid an all over look. She rarely uses photographs except as an aide-memoire if the weather is changeable.
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Art Greeting Card, Oil Painting.

Dry Red Press have awarded a prize to these artists at the annual exhibitions of the Royal Societies, courtesy of The Mall Galleries and the Bankside Gallery, London. The chosen paintings have been published as greeting cards, all royalties go to the artists.

the card measures 15cm X 15cm
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