The Birthday Party Ian Bliss RI Fine Art Greetings Cards

The Birthday Party Ian Bliss RI Fine Art Greetings Cards

Anna Pugh In the Mood

Anna Pugh In the Mood


Dee Nickerson's insightful images of friendship and life in rural East Anglia come together to produce a delightful greeting cards range. Artist's statement It is usually late morning when I start to paint, working late into the night, stopping for supper and, while it's daylight, to gaze out of the window. During winter, I settle by the fire and wireless in the caravan I share with a partner and three feline muses. In summer, I move outside, under the lean-to. Combining memory, imagination and observations of the changing seasons, weather, people, cats, dogs and birds, I elaborate on little moments of ordinary life seen at home, from my bicycle, in the local towns and villages, or on trips about East Anglia.
Availability: In stock
125 x 175mm Greeting Card by Dee Nickerson Publisher Green Pebble
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