2025 Wildlife Calendar By Hannah Longmuir

2025 Wildlife Calendar By Hannah Longmuir

2025 Wild Months Postcards Set By Hannah Longmuir

2025 Wild Months Postcards Set By Hannah Longmuir

2025 Family Calendar By Hannah Longmuir

This is a 2025 Family Organiser Calendar for busy, nature-loving families.

Just like the 2025 Wildlife Calendar, it has drawings & handwritten notes about what to look out for in the natural world – the birds and animals and flowers and insects that fill the countryside with fascinating movement.

It’s got four columns for four family members, as well as a box for notes or for recording what you’ve spotted in the garden. And, of course, it has the days and dates. The weekends are in a different colour to make it even easier to schedule your week.

The calendar is wire bound and ready to hang from a nail on the wall. Size: A3 – 420mm long x 297mm wide.

Availability: In stock